These floral decorated white & gold pumpkin cookies prove that you can have a chic fall. Go ahead, paint that pumpkin white and sprinkle some gold on it! These cookies look quite difficult, but I promise these are SO simple. Decorated sugar cookies make a great gift and they're just plain fun to create!

Materials needed:
~ Baked pumpkin shaped sugar cookies
~ Royal Icing
~ Brown gel food coloring
~ Edible gold luster dust
~ Food safe paint brush
~ Scribe
~ Round piping tip, large and small (#1 and #0)
~ Piping bags
~ Piping coupler
For this simple design, you only need to mix one color - brown. Begin with mixing a small amount of brown medium consistency royal icing. Next, the white royal icing into a medium consistency. Next, you'll want to mix more white royal icing into a toothpaste-like consistency. The amount really depends on how many cookies you're decorating but you can always mix more! Put the mixed royal icing into separate piping bags with couplers and make sure to use round piping tips.
Step 1
Make sure your cookie is completely cool before decorating.

Step 2
Using the white royal icing, pipe the outer left, outer right, and middle parts of the pumpkin. You can use your scribe to lightly scratch lines to help guide where to place the icing. Let sit for about 10-15 minutes.

Step 3
Fill in the rest of the pumpkin with the white royal icing. Let sit for 10-15 minutes.

Step 4
Using the brown icing, pipe in the stem. Allow to dry until all the icing is fully hardened. I usually like to wait 24 hours before adding any additional designs on top. This is just in case I make any mistakes with decorating - I can just scrape the icing off and start over.

Step 5
Now, after the icing is completely dry, use the white toothpaste consistency royal icing and the #0 round piping tip. The best floral designs to use for this cookie are floral doodles. Fill the entire blank area of the pumpkin with doodles. Try to leave a small space in between the separate floral designs. Allow to fully dry.

Step 6
Mix a small amount of lemon extract (others have used vodka - don't worry, the alcohol will evaporate! It's the best to use since the liquid evaporates almost instantly and doesn't end up ruining the icing.) with the gold luster dust. Using a small food safe brush, paint the gold mixture onto the floral designs. Do this carefully, otherwise you might accidentally paint the white underneath. If you'd like to, paint some golden stripes onto the stem. Allow to dry.
Isn't this design SO chic and fancy?!
