How adorable does this cookie look?! You can even make this cookie and leave it out for Santa to take a bite out of. If you follow this tutorial step by step, you'll be able to create this cookie in no time!

Materials needed:
~ Baked sugar cookies - You can get a similar cookie cutter HERE.
~ Royal Icing
~ Red, brown, black gel food coloring - You can get a pack HERE.
~ Edible gold dust
~ Edible thin tip marker
~ Food safe paint brush
~ Scribe
~ Lemon extract
~ Piping bags
~ Star piping tip
The royal icing consistencies should be as follows:
*White royal icing - stiff consistency
*White royal icing - medium consistency - very small amount needed
*Red royal icing - medium consistency
*Black royal icing - medium consistency
*Brown royal icing - medium consistency - you'll want to add little brown if you want a lighter skin tone. If you want a darker/richer skin tone, simply add more brown to your royal icing mix.
For all of the colors besides the white stiff consistency, I simply cute the desired hole size at the tip of the piping bag. If you get any bubbles while piping, simply use your scribe or toothpick and smooth it out. For the white stiff consistency, use a star piping tip.
Step 1
Make sure your baked cookie is completely cooled before adding any royal icing.

Step 2
Fill the middle section (as seen below) with red icing.

Step 3
Next, use the red icing and fill in the hat and legs area. For the legs, pipe one and let it sit for about 5 minutes, then pipe the remaining leg.

Step 4
Once the body of Santa is somewhat dried, pipe the arms as seen in the image below. With the brown skin tone icing, pipe onto the face area. Don't forget his little hands too!

Step 5
Finally, once the royal icing is set, use the stiff white royal icing. With a star tip, pipe the white onto Santa's hat, beard, and sleeve cuff.

Step 6
Now that everything is dry, use the black royal icing and add Santa's belt. For the shoes, do one shoe, let dry for 5 minutes, then pipe the remaining shoe.

Step 7
Finally, pipe a red line down Santa's chest. With the edible black marker, add little dots in a row for buttons on his shirt. Don't forget his eyes! With the white medium consistency icing, add Santa's brows and the belt decor. With the white medium consistency icing, pipe Santa's bag full of toys. Finally, with the brown skin tone icing, add a cute little nose!

Step 8
Mix a few drops of lemon extract with a pinch of gold dust. Paint the gold onto Santa's belt decor and the toy bag. Now our Santa is complete!
